Q&A from our workshop with Yes Milano

| 14/04/2021 |

Can I work during the studies?

Yes, if you hold a valid student permit, you can work part-time, within the limit of 1040 hours per year, either 6 months for 40 hours/week, or 12 months for 20 hours/week.


How can I obtain a work permit after graduation?

After obtaining a Degree recognized by the Italian Education Ministry, you can apply for conversion of your study permit into a work one. If you aim to set up your own activity, you will apply for a self- employed work permit (lavoro autonomo). If, on the contrary, you have a job offer from a Company, you will apply for a work permit as employee (lavoro subordinato).

Applications are presented on the Interior Ministry website.


How does the residence permit for “attesa occupazione” (job seekers) work?

If after graduation you do not have a job offer, you have the chance to apply for a residence permit for “attesa occupazione”. This permit gives you 1-year time to look for a job in Italy.

However, this opportunity is valid only for students who have obtained a Degree recognized by the Italian Education Ministry.


Do I need a P. IVA (VAT Number) to work as a self-employed?

You need to open a P.IVA only if you work on a regular basis, regardless the amount of your income. To open a P.IVA, you must convert your student permit into a work one. If, on the contrary, you don’t work on a regular basis, you can be paid through a 20% withhold tax (Ritenuta d’acconto) from a Legal Entity or by using the Libretto di Famiglia, if You work for a private person.


How much income taxes I have to pay?

You will pay no taxes up to an income of € 4,800 per year. You must pay social security contribution (1/3 charged to the employee and 2/3 charged to the Employer) when your annual income will exceed € 5,000.


What is the Grade system of the National Agreement?

Every National Agreement in Italy includes a grade system, which establishes the minimum salary for each level. The grade system is based on the contents of the job that are classified in order of importance.


Can I negotiate my salary during the hiring procedure?

You can negotiate a salary higher than the minimum level defined by the National Agreement, although very often new graduates without previous working experience should expect to receive the salary level established by the National Agreement.

