New restrictions in place: Milan and Lombardy are higher-risk zones

New restrictions are in place: the Italian Government has established new rules by issuing a new Dpcm, which will be in force until December 3rd.
Are you trying to understand how your daily life will change from November 6th?
First of all, Italy has been divided in different areas – red, orange and yellow zone – in accordance to hospitals capacity and the number of infections.
Based on the worsening of the regional situation, Milan and the entire Lombardy region has been included in the higher-risk red zone list, in which stricter restrictions are in place in addiction to the national provisions.
Which are the rules valid at a national level?
- curfew between 10pm and 5am
- closure of shopping centers at weekends
- closure of museums and exhibitions
- shows suspended in theaters and cinemas
Which are the stricter restrictions in place in Lombardy and the other higher-risk red zones?
- You can enter, leave or travel the red zones only if you can prove that you have work, study, health or emergency reasons by showing the self-certification form
- Bars, cafes, restaurants, pastry shops are closed to the public
- Shops are closed except form pharmacies, supermarkets and tobacconists
- Sport activies have been suspended: you can only run or do other individual sporting activities near your place