FAQ – highly skilled workers in Italy in time of COVID-19

| 10/04/2020 |

Are you managing the entrance of a foreign worker for your company? Here you can find useful information.


Our company has obtained an Authorization (Nulla Osta) for the entrance of a foreign highly skilled worker (art. 27 Blu Card, Intra corporate transfer). The Authorization expires in a date between January 31st and April 15th. Has its validity been extended?

Yes, the Authorization (Nulla Osta) for highly skilled worker with an expiry date between January 31st and April 15th, will be valid until June 15th, 2020.  It will be possible to request VISA until this date.


Our company applied for Nulla Osta (Authorization) for  the entrance of a foreign highly skilled worker in February. How long will it take to obtain it?

Activities of the Local Immigration Office (Sportello Unico per l’Immigrazione) have been suspended until April 15th. This means that all applications pending at the date of February 23rd or filed after that date will not be processed in the period between February 23rd and April 15th.

In addition, the following activities are suspended as well:

  • requests for additional documentation,
  • acquisition of opinions
  • appointments for foreign citizens


Are you working in Italy as highly skilled employee? Here you can find useful information related to your work permit.


Did the Italian government extend the validity of my expiring residence permit?

Law decree March 17th, 2020, no. 18, states that all permits with an expiry date between January 31st and April 15th, will be valid until June 15th.

Moreover, as provided for in Article 104, identity documents expiring at March 17th or after that date are considered valid until August 31st, 2020. Therefore, in case your residence permit serves as identity document, it will be valid until August 31st, 2020.


I applied for residence permit’s renewal before January 31st. I did not receive any update related to my fingerprint appointment

Immigration Office will be closed, and all its activities suspended until May 3rd. Therefore, until this date, it is completely unnecessary to go to Questura.

Updates on your postponed fingerprint appointment will be sent via text massage. If you do not receive any massage, we suggest you to check on this website https://www.portaleimmigrazione.it/. You can log with username and password you find on Post Office receipt.


I am currently abroad and, due to covid-19 emergency, I did not have the chance to go back to Italy before my residence permit’s expiry. Has the permit’s validity been extended? Can I go back to Italy in the next months without penalty?

Law decree March 17th, 2020, no. 18 provides for an extension of permit’s validity, to be understood as not applying to expatriation. If you find yourself abroad with an expired permit (and without the Post office receipt), you can’t travel back to Italy, unless you obtain a re-entry VISA (visto di reingresso).

You must apply for it at the Italian Embassy of your country, proving that you still have valid reasons to go back to Italy (e.g. employment contract; family reasons).

The Embassy will need an Authorization from the competent Italian Immigration Office. Once the Authorization is given, you will obtain your re-entry VISA and, within 8 days from your arrival in Italy, you have to apply for permit’s renewal.


I obtained the Authorization (Nulla Osta) for my partner/son/parent reunification. The Authorization expires in a date between January 31st and April 15th. Has its validity been extended?

Yes, the Authorization (Nulla Osta) for family reunification with an expiry date between January 31st and April 15th, will be valid until June 15th, 2020.  It will be possible to request VISA until this date.



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