Building a professional project in Italy a fascinating challenge

| 05/03/2020 |

Are you studying in Italy? Are you considering remaining in Italy to start your career path?

Italy can offer to you a unique environment to grow from both a personal and a professional point of view.

However, you should be aware that in order to build up your career in Italy you will face the following issues:

1) First of all, you should ask yourself if you want to work either as an employee or as a self – employed person.

You may think that this decision is not in your hands, but this is a mistake. At the opposite, this decision will have a great impact on your career, and you should choose the one that fits with your attitudes and your expectations.

In addition to that, to get the “permesso di soggiorno” to work in Italy, you must follow different procedures according to the working status you have chosen.

San Martino can provide tools that can help you to understand better how to approach this critical issue in a proper way.

2) The second challenge is related to channels to be used to find a job.

Despite the growing influence of social media like LinkedIn, the role of the traditional channels should not be underestimate.

The Placement Office of the University, in particular, can offer several opportunities of internship, a very important way to start a job experience, although only for a limited period of time.

In Italy you should consider also the “interim job” (lavoro interinale) as a way to start to work, although, again, this should be limited to some specific kind of job and applied only under some specific circumstances.

3) Whatever channel you will use to look for a job, sooner or later you will be asked to attend a job interview.

Be properly prepared for a job interview is one of the key success factors. For sure there are some rules that can be considered universally valid, but in this field cultural differences play a crucial role.

Indeed, cultural differences can have a significant impact on the topics addressed during the interview and the way you are expected to present yourself and your education.

Moreover, cultural differences can play an important role on how the interview is run and on the relationship between interviewer and candidate.

In conclusion, if you want to remain in Italy after your studies and look for a job in our country you have to focus on designing your professional project by paying attention on the above-mentioned issues.

Due to his 30 years of experience in supporting foreign students in all immigration procedures, SAN MARTINO can help you to approach the Italian job market, providing tools and counselling to support you in this fascinating challenge.
