Research and selection of personnel for companies

We support companies in the personnel search and selection process, also accompanying them in the hiring phase of the selected personnel. These are mainly young talents coming from other countries and interested in continuing a growth path not only in Italy.

For this reason we have developed a methodology specifically suited to capturing and managing cultural differences to find the right matching between company and candidate.

A great opportunity

In recent years we have met many talents, especially international ones, capable of making an extraordinary contribution to the organizations in which they have joined. Many of them come from the most prestigious Italian universities, masters and high schools of training, such as the Polytechnic of Milan, Bocconi University, Catholic University, Humanitas, IULM, Polytechnic School of Design, etc.

Our activity was born from the belief that meeting each of them can become an opportunity for the creation of great added value for Italian and multinational companies and businesses, especially in a period of “talent scarcity”.


Innovation, Inclusivity, Development are the three values ​​that guide us:

Innovation: the continuous search for new selection methodologies is the basis of our work: the Alta Scuola di Psicologia della Cattolica has allowed us to refine our interview techniques to improve our ability to analyze skills in an intercultural context.

Inclusivity: working with people from different cultures can become a great opportunity for growth for the entire organization and for strengthening an international mindset.

Development: inserting young talents from other countries and interested in continuing a growth path not only in Italy constitutes a fundamental prerequisite for the global development of the company and the social context as a whole.


The highly qualified worker is very often accompanied by his family members. From the early stages of the immigration process, it is essential to understand the needs and requirements of the entire family unit to then facilitate their insertion into the Italian context.

Our methodology starts from an accurate analysis of the organizational context, the role and the activities to fully grasp the organization’s needs. Our experts personally interview all candidates using a methodology specifically suited to capturing and managing cultural differences to find the right match between company and candidate.

The synergy with the Immigration Function of San Martino also allows us to immediately address and resolve all problems related to the residence permit, relieving the company of all bureaucratic problems.


We believe that the integration of skills and the specialization of the service are the best answer to give the customer the answer he is looking for.

For this reason we have tried to adapt our organization in order to offer a service aimed at the specific needs of companies and organisations.

Contact us for requests or more information