Immigration for agencies and professionnals

San Martino has been working passionately in the field of immigration for more than 30 years.

The experience gained in the sector allows us to assist companies, providing assistance in all phases of the immigrant process.

We are accredited with the Police Headquarters and the Prefecture of Milan: this allows us to manage even the most complicated cases, working in synergy with the institutions.

We support the client in all phases of the process, from the definition of the procedure most in line with the company objectives and the document situation of the foreign professional, up to the accompaniment of the foreign professional at all the bodies involved (Prefecture, Police Headquarters, ATS etc.).

The main areas of intervention

  • Entry of highly qualified workers (Blue Card pursuant to art. 27 of Legislative Decree 286/1998)
  • Entry in the context of intra-company transfers (ex. art 27 Letter a) Legislative Decree 286/1998)

  • Entry in the context of intra-company transfers (ex. art 27 quinquies, sexies Legislative Decree 286/1998)

  • Entry for particular types of subordinate work (ex. art 27 Legislative Decree 286/1998)

  • Entry for self-employment (ex. art 26 Legislative Decree 286/1998)

What does our assistance include?

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1) Preliminary analysis: we verify the customer’s needs and identify the procedure to follow

2) Nulla Osta: we support the customer in preparing the documentation necessary to obtain the Nulla Osta for entry.

3) Entry visa: after the Prefecture has issued the authorization, we support the professional in requesting a visa at the relevant Italian Embassy.

4) Entry into Italy: upon the professional’s arrival in Italy, we go with him to the Prefecture to sign the residence contract (if applicable) and the integration agreement. p>

5) Residence permit: finally, the professional is guided in the request for the residence permit and accompanied to the police station for fingerprints.

What additional services do we offer?

San Martino Servizi assists foreign workers in all phases of integration into the Italian context. In particular, it supports the worker in all practices relating to:

  • Obtaining the tax code
  • Registration in the National Health Service
  • Registry registration with the competent municipality
  • Obtaining an identity card
  • Driving license
  • Request for permit renewal

Family support

The highly qualified worker is very often accompanied by his family members. From the early stages of the immigration process, it is essential to understand the needs and requirements of the entire family unit to then facilitate their insertion into the Italian context.

San Martino Servizi offers assistance for all types of entry reserved for family members:

  • family reunification
  • family cohesion
  • residence card for EU citizen family member
  • renewal of permit for family reasons

San Martino also offers assistance to the family unit, supporting their integration into Italy:

  • orientation to the Italian and international school system
  • work orientation for the spouse and assessment of skills
  • consultancy/orientation for social and voluntary activities

Contact us for requests or further information